Work with us

Charnwood Trust is a Christian charity and has a strong ethos that underpins all the work we do; we strongly believe that every person is unique and has inherent worth, dignity, promise and purpose.  Whilst you do not have to be a practising Christian to work here, we expect all staff to embrace the Christian ethos of the nursery.

We are an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from anyone who has the skills and experience we are looking for. Throughout each year, all employees have individual supervision sessions and access to training, so that existing skills can be updated, and new skills learnt.

Charnwood is led by a strong Trustee board who oversee the running of the organisation. The Trustees are from the local community and Churches and most have had previous personal involvement with Charnwood as a parent or member of staff. They have a wide range of transferable skills and experience which ensures the successful governance of Charnwood Trust.  The Trustees delegate the day to day responsibilities of the nursery to the Head Teacher who is supported by a strong senior leadership team.

The safety and welfare of the children in our care remains paramount, and we have a strong safer recruitment policy. All staff have an up to date enhanced DBS which is renewed regularly and undergo regular safeguarding training pertinent to their role. The majority of our roles are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and unfortunately we are unable to accept CV’s as part of our recruitment process.

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